Thank you so much, to the both of you. May you both be blessed abundantly beyond measure. It is not often that you cross paths with people that genuinely care about people....people they don't even know, for that matter. *** "Continue in this way, and miracles will begin to show up for you both. When you go out of your way to help those in need, you are in reality helping 'Me'. For I am in all things, and am all things. What you have given to David, is the miracle he has asked me for. For as you provide, so shall you be provided for. I am witness to everything, big and small. What is 'small' to you, isn't small to another.....and futhermore, nothing is 'small' to Me. You will now both be given grace in you affairs, so be light of heart, and know you will be taken care of. Those that appear to be your 'students' are in fact your greatest teachers, and within them lies my presence. As you honor all, you honor Me, and it is from that place of humility that you shall both be raised up. Don't ever allow fear or doubt to cloud your heart and mind. For as you banish fear and doubt in another, so shall it be banished within you. There is no seperation. I am revealing myself to you both here, through this simple man that came to you for guidance, to show you and remind you to see Me in all. I am proud of you both, and you just so happened to help the 'right' guy. Devote your lives to helping and guiding others, and you will see not only your finances increase, but your powers as well. You have humbled yourself before my son, David, and that will not be forgotten. No good act is forgotton in My heart, no kindness unseen by My eyes. For as I have once said centuries ago, 'Neither wind nor fire, birth nor death....can erase our good deeds.' Thankyou my precious, precious daughters. For it is you both, in whom I am well pleased. My love for you both is without end, without limits....beyond mere human capacities or conditions. I am the love that is wordless, the love that is incorruptible. Know that I am love, I am all things, and thus you are love and all things. You have never dissappointed Me. Dissappointment would imply that love could be divided into pieces containing anything other than love. A slice of apple pie, cannot become pecan pie. A wave cannot be taken out of the ocean, the same as the ocean cannot be taken out of the wave. Dissappointment implies a lack of love.....something that I cannot do, for love is all I am, and I am that I am. Failure, is impossible. Love is joy, and the fulfillment of purpose. Love is all there is. Hence, 'success' is inevitable. Remember that I am the all, and you are both one with all things. You are my perfection. You are both my deepest joy and love made manifest. In life, there are stages of progression. Both of you are now ready to progress to the next level; not only in proffessional success, but in your conscious awareness of the divine, both within you and without you. Go forth, my beautiful daughters, and claim the kingdom that has always been yours. Always and forever - Goddess." Thankyou again, and peace be with you -
Dave Andersen
New York